Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Reflections from the President

By US Sailing President Tom Hubbell
The reviews and feedback we have received from the Sailing Leadership Forum in San Diego earlier this month reveals that a lot of good people have a variety of good approaches to strengthen and grow the sport. They’re excited. I’m delighted to see this energy and creativity flowing into sailing.
What follows is one thoughtful commentary from Lou Sandoval's blog, Co-Owner/Co-Founder Karma Yacht Sales, with permission, slightly condensed.

A Conversation with Chicago Yacht Club's Lynn Lynch

Lynn Lynch (Chicago, Ill.) was honored with Virginia Long Sail Training Service & Support Award earlier this month at the Sailing Leadership Forum Awards Dinner, sponsored by Old Pulteney and hosted by the San Diego Sports Hall of Fame.

Lynn has spent many years contributing to the art and science of sailing instruction as well as unparalleled support of her local program. She has been exceptional as the On-the-Water Director for Chicago Yacht Club, especially in her leadership of the junior sailing program’s activities and training, management of personnel, and operations of the race committee’s responsibilities for both one-design and offshore events.

Lynn has conducted and been the trainer in several local powerboat courses with outstanding success. She has also been a great contributor at the National Faculty meetings building curriculum, protocols and standards for Keelboat, Small Boat and Powerboat. She recently has become a Keelboat Program Instructor Trainer.

Read what Lynn had to say about her experiences and the advice she has for others in similar roles at their club: